We say it’s handmade. But it actually comes from the heart.
It all started with a passion. Wolfgang has been distilling schnapps for the last 30 years. Armed with an old copper kettle, fruits from his garden and a few helping hands, he distilled his first alcohol. Surprisingly drinkable and full of blood, sweat and tears.
The idea for Aeijst arose, as you might have guessed, in a joint tasting. What it would taste like we weren’t quite sure, but we knew what it would represent and stand for. Namely for enjoyment, attention to detail and of course for family.
We are situated in Lang, a small village of 1300 souls in the south of Styria. Just two houses further, you can find the birthplace of Wolfgang. It was here that the idea for our biological juniper schnapps was born. Meanwhile we have moved the production to our distillery in St. Nikolai, but here we continue to taste and sometimes we also make music. We are looking forward to your visit.